
有 various loans available for students and parents to consider borrowing, 如有需要,协助支付教育费用. 贷款是你借的钱 连本带利偿还.


美国.S. 教育部为符合条件的学生提供低息贷款 帮助支付大学的费用 直接贷款计划.

To apply, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 你可能有资格:

  • A 补贴贷款 (基于经济需要)——美国.S. 由教育部支付利息 this loan while you’re in school at least half-time (6 credits), for the first six months after you leave school (referred to as a grace period), and during a period 延期(贷款支付的延期).
  • An 未受资助的贷款 – Loan interest begins accruing/accumulating when the loan is disbursed/sent to the 学生在学院的账单账户. 学生有责任支付学费 interest that will accrue during all periods of enrollment and non-enrollment.
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  • 你一定已经完成了 FAFSA;
  • 你必须完成 入学咨询确保了解偿还贷款义务的工具;
  • 你必须签一份贷款合同 主本票(MPN)同意贷款的条款;
  • 你一定在做 令人满意的学业进展;
  • You must be enrolled for at least 6 credits that count towards their current program 申请贷款的学生在该学期的学习(专业). 跌破 6 credits prior to the loan being disbursed will disqualify you from eligibility.
  • 你必须接受他们的学生贷款 自助服务. A 循序渐进的指导 is available to walk you through the entire process and also provides additional 有关减少或取消贷款的信息.


Upon receipt of your FAFSA, the 金融援助 Office will provide you with all of the financial aid to which you're entitled, including loans, if you're eligible and 选择借用它们. 这些信息将在我的奖项中提供给您 的部分 自助服务. Once all of the above requirements have been met, you will receive a loan disclosure 美国国务院通过电子邮件发表声明.S. 教育部给你提供了总数 loan amounts you've accepted, the anticipated disbursement amounts, and the dates 你每学期都会收到贷款.

Generally, the 金融援助 Office will wait until at least 30 days after the start of the semester to disburse/send student 贷款资金 to students' accounts for students 谁符合上述要求. 贷款支付在整个过程中进行 本学期作为学生完成贷款借款要求.

Note: all single-semester loans are scheduled for two disbursements within the semester; once at the beginning of the semester (as described above) and then again around the 学期或课程长度的50%. 这影响到所有的学生 borrowing loans for one semester and includes all student loan borrowers enrolled 在市警察学院培训和按摩治疗项目.

Once your loan funds are disbursed to your student account, they will reduce any outstanding 收费包括但不限于:学费、杂费及任何费用 financial-aid-退款-advance-for-books 你可能用过. 如果在所有费用后,您的帐户上有资金贷方 已付款,学院将办理 退款.


To ensure the 金融援助 Office has enough time to certify and disburse your loan funds prior to the end of the semester, these steps must be complete at least *学期最后日期前三周:

  1. 你必须确保你已经接受了你想借的贷款 自助服务
  2. 你一定已经完成了 入学咨询**
  3. 你必须完成一份 主本票 (或然数)* *

* Failure to meet this deadline could result in your ineligibility to receive the 贷款资金.

** You can verify your completion of these requirements on your financial aid homepage 在自助.

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大多数贷款计划在秋季和春季学期发放. 如果你想 to enroll in the summer semester, notify the 金融援助 Office of your interest 在借夏季贷款时完成 2023-24贷款调整表 (2024年夏季).


年度及合计/总贷款额 这限制了学生可以借到的联邦直接贷款的金额.


Federal regulations require schools to prorate the Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan amounts for graduating undergraduate students when their final period of enrollment 是少于一个完整学年. 贷款限额比例决定了最高额度 学生在最后一个学期可以借到的贷款额. 本科毕业 students who are only attending one semester of the academic year will have their Federal Direct Loans prorated based on the number of credit hours they are enrolled.


If you borrowed 贷款资金 you wish to return to your lender after it has already disbursed to your student account, the College can return it on your behalf. 这 can only be done if it’s been less than 120 days since the date the 贷款资金 was 申请到你在学院的学生账户. 完成 2023-24贷款调整表 (for loans borrowed during: fall 2023, spring 2024, and/or summer 2024) or the 《bet36365体育网站》 (for loans borrowed during either: fall 2024, spring 2025, and/or summer 2025) to 请求你回来.

If it has been more than 120 days since the date of your loan disbursement, you will 需要将您的贷款资金直接退还给您的服务机构. 访问您的贷款服务 信息, 查看您的贷款帐户 登录后用你的 FSA ID和密码.


If you borrowed Federal Direct Loans at Montco and have graduated, will be transferring, or have a drop in enrollment to a less-than-half time status (3 credits) you are required 完成 出口咨询. Exit counseling provides important information that will guide you as you prepare 你必须偿还你的联邦学生贷款.

inception的特别版电子指南 is a free resource that addresses the most recent developments in student loan repayment.


If you need to resolve problems or disputes regarding Direct Loans, Federal Family Education Loans, Guaranteed 学生贷款, SLS Loans or Perkins Loans, contact the 联邦学生援助申诉专员.



直接PLUS贷款 are federal loans that parents of dependent students can use to help pay for the 学生的大学费用不包括在其他经济援助中.

想借钱供学生上学的家长可以 申请直接PLUS贷款. While you may apply for any loan amount you wish, the 金融援助 Office is required to limit the amount of 贷款资金 you may borrow based on the student's cost of 出席减去其他财政援助资源.

If a parent is denied a PLUS Loan, the student may be eligible to borrow up to an 另外4000美元的无补贴联邦直接贷款基金. 经济援助办公室 will be notified of the denial and will add the additional 未受资助的贷款 funding 学生的经济援助计划. 学生将被要求采取行动 关于额外的贷款资金(减少、接受或拒绝).


Private (or alternative) educational loans can be borrowed by students or parents for educational expenses (current and sometimes previous balances) through banks or 银行. Unlike federal direct student loans which have a fixed interest rate, private 教育贷款是以信用为基础的,可能需要一个共同签署人来批准.


在申请私人贷款之前,建议所有的联邦贷款 & 国家财政 aid options (such as federal direct student loans and possibly the PA State Grant, 对于符合条件的学生)是疲惫的. 申请联邦和州的第一步 financial aid is 完成 the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)每学年.

你应该了解 联邦和私人学生贷款的区别 在申请私人贷款之前.


We have partnered with 榆树选择 to provide you with a neutral, comprehensive list of private education loan 银行 that our students have borrowed from within the 过去三年. 学院不认可,推荐,或促进任何贷款人. 您不需要从此列表中选择贷款人. 你可以在任何一家银行工作 or lender of your choice who will approve a private educational loan to use at Montco 作为你的教育费用.

访问 榆树选择 for information about funding your education and to compare various student and parent 私人教育贷款选择.